Sunday, April 28, 2013

21 Impeachable Offenses By President Barack Hussein Obama

21 Impeachable Offenses By President Barack Hussein Obama

Impeach Obama

Liberals have a conniption when us conservatives suggest President Barack Hussein Obama should be impeached. If you even mention that on Facebook or on Twitter or to a liberal in person, the whining begins. What for? What has he done? Why didn't you impeach Bush? Or the classic mindless comeback, Obama will go down in history as the best President ever.
Well, maybe if you compare him to no one else or to a line of incompetent tyrants in some third world African dictatorship like Zimbabwe, he might be the best president ever. However, when it is all said and done and the history books are written, and we can get past the complete corruption of the media from networks like MSNBC which has completely sold out and sucked up to the current regime, Barack Obama will go down as the most corrupt, least qualified President in American history.
What I think we will also find out is that much of what Obama did was impeachable, but unfortunately we found that most of our Republican lawmakers did not have the necessary spines to do something about the wrath a highly unqualified community organizer wrought from the streets of Chicago. One day we will look back on Obama's tenure as President of the United States and wonder, just what the hell were we thinking?
When you mention impeachment of Obama to liberals most of them start twitching and since they can't imagine why in the world the man could possibly be impeached, we compiled a good list of some examples of what he has done that is worth of impeachment. Please share this list with your liberal friends when they start whining to you.
21 Impeachable Offenses By President Barack Hussein Obama
1. The Obama campaign provided donor lists to ACORN in 2007 and 2008, more complete than the ones he provided to the FEC. ACORN used the lists to raise money for Obama’s election from donors who had already maxed out their legally allowable contributions.
2. Widespread voter fraud including voter intimidation, ballot stuffing, falsified documents, and threats of violence against Hillary Clinton supporters committed by the Obama campaign and ACORN during the 2008 Democrat primary election. Obama smoothed this over by giving Hillary the high position of Secretary of State.
3. Obama’s refusal to release a valid long form birth certificate. I used to not think there was any validity to this claim, but since Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse exposed that Obama's birth certificate on the White House website is a forgery, it is pretty convincing the President still owes us that valid birth certificate. Obama's college records, which have also not been released, may also contain information regarding his dual citizenship status.
4. Protecting union interests over those of GM and Chrysler bond holders during bankruptcy proceedings, forcing investors to accept millions of dollars in losses in direct violation of bankruptcy laws, money to which they were legally entitled.
5. Preferential treatment given to minority and women owned car dealerships by Obama administration officials as part of the auto industry bailout program and the forced closing of a disproportionate number of rural dealerships located in areas that did not vote for Obama. There was a Chrysler dealer in our town that was closed for no valid reason during that time.
6. Moving control of the Census Bureau from the Commerce Department directly into the White House where used to be managed by Chief of Staff Rham Emmanuel.
7. Unsubstantiated firing of Corporation for National and Community Service Inspector General Gerald Walpin for exposing Sacramento Mayor and Obama supporter Kevin Johnson’s misuse of an $850,000 AmeriCorps grant.
8. Purchase of Congressional support for the passage of Obama’s healthcare bill including the “Cornhusker Kickback”, “Louisiana Purchase” and having the Department of Interior increase water allocations to the Central Valley of California to secure the votes of Democrat Reps. Dennis Cardoza and Jim Costa.
9. Lying to the American people by promising they could keep their healthcare coverage if they wanted to, when in reality tens of millions will be forced out of their current plans.
10. Directing the EPA to unilaterally set carbon emission standards, bypassing Congress which opposes Obama’s energy reform bill.
11. During the Gulf oil spill, the Obama administration’s statement that a panel of experts had agreed with their plan for a 6 month Gulf Coast drilling moratorium, when in actuality none of them had supported the measure.
12. Implementing a third oil-drilling moratorium after the first two were thrown out of court, creating a de facto Gulf Coast offshore drilling ban in opposition to two judge’s rulings.
13. Obama’s policy of intentionally not securing our nation’s borders, in opposition to Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution which calls for the President to protect states from foreign invasion, in an attempt to blackmail Republican support for comprehensive immigration reform.
14. Department of Justice illegal race based policies regarding voter fraud as exposed by former Justice attorney J. Christian Adams. This includes the dropping of voter intimidation charges against 2 Black Panthers brandishing weapons in front of a voting location in Philadelphia and the stated intention by political appointees to ignore voter crimes committed by African Americans, Latinos and other minorities.
15. Department of Justice purposefully allowing some states to continue their disenfranchisement of military personnel serving overseas in direct opposition to the 2009 Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act.
16. Recess appointment of Donald Berwick as head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services without even a token attempt to put him through the Congressional nomination process, signaling that Congress’s constitutional obligation to vet presidential appointees means nothing to Obama. The same can be said of the 30+ Obama administration czars.
17. Spending $23 million of taxpayer money through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to support a constitutional referendum in Kenya in spite of the Siljander Amendment, which makes it illegal for the U.S. to lobby for abortion in other countries.
18. The canceling of 77 properly filed oil field development contracts approved by the Bush administration by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, preventing the extraction of up to 3 trillion gallons of oil buried under Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and North Dakota.
19. Investigations by the Department of Homeland Security to determine the political affiliation of people making Freedom of Information Act requests and the subsequent delay and even altogether ignoring of requests made by Republican affiliated individuals.
And of course the 2 biggies:
20. A federal operation dubbed Fast and Furious allowed weapons from the U.S. to pass into the hands of suspected gun smugglers so the arms could be traced to the higher echelons of Mexican drug cartels. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which ran the operation, has lost track of hundreds of firearms, many of which have been linked to crimes, including the fatal shooting of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in December 2010.
21. The terrorist attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi Libya that killed 4 Americans including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Stevens is the first US Ambassador killed in the line of duty since 1979. Despite knowing almost immediately that this was a terrorist attack, the Obama administration has denied that fact, repeatedly lied, held back information and set up false stories as to what actually happened there.

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