Saturday, May 31, 2014

Rockelfeller family power grab attempt

Nelson Rockefeller's Presidential Power Grab Revealed at Last!!

British King Nelson the First!!

Government of the people . . . by the people . . . and for the people . . . was about to end forever with the coronation of the first KING of the United States: Nelson Rockefeller.

Right after the assassination of President Kennedy, Nelson Rockefeller introduced an Amendment to the Constitution that would allow him to STEAL the Presidency of the United States without an election!!
It is called the 25th or Rockefeller Amendment.

The Rockefeller family logic was indeed faultless....Since they owned the United States, why not have a family member as ruler of their vast fiefdom!
After the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963, Lyndon Johnson became President. Johnson had no Vice President until January 1965 . . . but neither did President Truman for over 3 years . . . and the government continued to function smoothly.
In 1965, Johnson introduced the 25th or Rockefeller Amendment that would allow the President to APPOINT a Vice President.
Johnson decided not to run for reelection in 1968 due to the unpopularity of the Vietnam War, and the massive protests in the streets.
Rockefeller was able to use his Vietnam War . . . and his faked moon landings . . . as a distraction . . . while he sought to become the first KING of the United States!!
Here is the timeline of the momentous and fast moving events that almost made Nelson Rockefeller our first SOVEREIGN:
November 22, 1963.
Assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas, Texas. Lyndon Johnson becomes President.
July 6, 1965.
25th Amendment is sent to the states for ratification.
February 10, 1967.
25th Amendment is ratified by 3/4 of the states.
March 31, 1968.
Because of mounting protests over the Vietnam War, President Johnson decides not to run for reelection.
November 5, 1968.
Republican Richard Nixon is elected President. His Vice President is Spiro Agnew.
October 10, 1973.
Vice President Spiro Agnew is forced to resign over "tax fraud."
December 6, 1973.
Gerald Ford is named Vice President the first use of the 25th Amendment.
August 9, 1974.
President Nixon is forced to resign over Watergate.
August 9, 1974.
Gerald Ford becomes the 38th President of the United States and the first by appointment only.
December 19, 1974.
Nelson Rockefeller is appointed Vice President—only a heartbeat away from the Presidency!!
Nelson's timing was perfect. Here is the wording of the Truman sponsored 22nd Amendment:
Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for MORE THAN TWO YEARS of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.
According to the terms of this Amendment, if Ford had a timely demise in '75 or '76, Rockefeller was still eligible to serve 2 full terms or 8 years as President. That was more that enough time to finish his Twin Towers and start World War III.

Order of succession to the Presidency of the U.S.

Act of 1792
Act of 1886
Act of 1947
1. President. 1. President. 1. President.
2. Vice President. 2. Vice President. 2. Vice President.
3. President Pro Tempore of Senate. 3. Secretary of State. 3. Speaker of the House.
4. Speaker of the House. 4. Secretary of the Treasury. 4. President Pro Tempore of Senate.
The 25th Amendment or the Rockefeller Amendment made the 1947 Order of Succession NULL AND VOID because the President was given the power to APPOINT a Vice President if the Vice President died or was forced to resign!!

The 25th Amendment or the Rockefeller Amendment to the Constitution!!

(The proposed Amendment was sent to the states July 6, 1965, by the Eighty-ninth Congress. It was ratified on February 10, 1967).
Section 2
[Vacancy in office of Vice President.]
"Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress."
In Article II of the Constitution, the Vice President followed the President in the line of succession. The Framers of the Constitution declared that CONGRESS shall declare who is next in line after the Vice President:
"In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.) (This clause in parentheses has been modified by Amendments XX and XXV)."
A Presidential Succession Act of 1792 provided that after the vice president, the next officials in line would be the president pro tempore (presiding officer) of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
In 1886, this Succession Act was changed again to make the Secretary of State next in line followed by the other Cabinet Secretaries in the order in which their departments were created. Here is seen the rising power of Rockefeller oil money to change the U.S. Constitution.
In 1947, President Harry Truman changed the succession back to what it was in the beginning; with one exception: The Speaker of the House was put BEFORE the President of the Senate.
The Reason why President Truman changed the Succession Act in1947!!
Immediately after the assassination of President Roosevelt, Harry Truman became President of the United States. 3 months later, the new President appointed Jimmy Byrnes as his Secretary of State.This put Byrnes just a heartbeat from the Presidency.

In July 1945, President Truman appointed Jimmy Byrnes as his Secretary of State.
This put Byrnes just a heartbeat from the Presidency.
Nelson Rockefeller was Under Secretary of State.

Nelson Rockefeller was Under Secretary of State. Nelson was only 35 at the time. His burning ambition was to be President. All he needed to do was to have himself appointed Secretary of State. No big deal since he OWNED the government anyway. Then his buddy, J. Edgar Hoover, could use his expertise to murder . . . or force the President and Vice President to resign and presto . . . King Nelson I.
President Truman blocked Byrnes aand Rockefeller and saved the world from disaster!!
Jimmy Byrnes was fired by President Truman in 1947 and Rockefeller was checkmated in his attempt to steal the Presidency—but only for a while. He would try again using the Vietnam War and the assassination of President Kennedy.

The nuclear football contained the launch codes for a nuclear war.
Only the President was authorized to give the final OK to start WWIII.

The President of the United States is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He is the ONLY person who has the final authority to launch nuclear weapons. During the Cold War, he was always followed by a military officer who carried the launch codes or the "nuclear football" as it was called.
For almost 2 years, by appointment only, Nelson Rockefeller, as Vice President, was only a heartbeat from the Presidency, and the power to launch World War III. While Governor of New York, Rockefeller visited the Pope just 2 months before the assassination, and he was just itching to wipe Russia off the map and ending what they called the Great Schism.
The U.S. had no Vice President from April 12, 1945, to Jan, 20, 1949, and the government functioned smoothly. Congress did not even THINK of changing the order of succession because Nelson was not ready to be APPOINTED king yet!!
President Harry S. Truman said this about Presidential Succession in 1944 when President Roosevelt died suddenly and he became President. Truman had no Vice President until Jan. 1949:
By reason of the tragic death of the late President, it now lies within my power to nominate the person who would be my immediate successor in the event of my own death or inability to act.
I do not believe that in a democracy this power should rest with the Chief Executive.
Insofar as possible, the office of the President should be filled by an elective officer. There is no officer in our system of government, besides the President and Vice President, who has been elected by all the voters of the country.
The Speaker of the House of Representatives, who is elected in his own district, is also elected to be the presiding officer of the House by a vote of all the Representatives of all the people of the country. As a result, I believe that the Speaker is the official in the Federal Government, whose selection next to that of the President and Vice President, can be most accurately said to stem from the people themselves. (Feerick, The 25th Amendment, p. 43).
The Rockefeller Amendment was introduced right after the assassination of President Kennedy.
The Rockefeller Amendment was introduced after the assassination of President Kennedy
President Kennedy had Addison's disease and was kept alive by massive doses of cortisone. It was only a matter of time before he died so the Jesuits decided beforehand to assassinate him and use the opportunity to introduce the 25th Amendment.
Nelson visited the Pope just 2 months before the assassination. Doubtless to discuss plans for the elimination of Kennedy and his own appointment as the first KING of the United States:
Late in September (1963), unaccompanied by Happy, Rockefeller went to Rome for an audience with the Pope, a most unusual circumstance and not entirely free of public relations overtones. But the depressing situation (his recent divorce and remarriage) was not entirely changed. (Rogers, Rockefeller's Follies, p. 67).
After the assassination of President Kennedy, his Vice President Lyndon Johnson became President. Johnson ran for President in 1964 and was easily re-elected.
Rockefeller had the Constitution Amended to force his way into the White House!!
In 1962, Rockefeller divorced his wife of over 30 years and a year later he married a much younger woman. This further alienated the women voters of the country.
Crown prince Nelson realized that even though he owned the country, his serfs did not want to vote for him. He could never reach the White House through the ballot box and that left only a military takeover . . . or an APPOINTMENT to the position.
Obviously he ruled out a military takeover at that time because he ordered a change in the Constitution regarding the succession....This was no problem for Rockefeller. It just required BRIBING two-thirds of the Senate, the House of Representatives, and at least 38 States!!

Senator Birch Bayh was used by Nelson to introduce the 25th Amendment.
Bayh also tried to eliminate the Electoral College!!

Senator Birch Bayh from Indiana was used to introduce the Rockefeller-for-king Amendment. He was ONLY 36 years old and junior Senators were supposed to be seen and not heard.
Some of his seniors were old enough to be his grandfather, like the fossil House Speaker John McCormack from Massachusetts. When it comes to Rockefeller money however age makes no difference. Bayh had a lot of help from the American Bar Association and the New York Bar Association.
Bayh frequently consulted his boss Nelson on the progress of his Amendment:
After Professor Hyman had finished his testimony, I asked that a comprehensive proposal by New York's Governor Nelson Rockefeller be included in the record. Even though this proposal represented a distinct departure from our consensus, I had some regrets that it had to be presented in writing, not in person. The Governor would have been a glamorous witness, bringing to our hearings much of the press attention that I felt we needed to keep our work before the public eye. Earlier, Ken Keating, as a senator from New York, had approached me to suggest that his governor testify in person, as he was eminently qualified to do so since he and his staff had given long and deep study to the problems of disability and succession. (One Heartbeat Away, Birch Bayh, p. 73).
Indeed the Rockefellers were planning on stealing the Presidency for a very long time. At least since the Standard Oil Co., was incorporated in 1870, and the first stolen millions began to flow into their coffers.
The 25th Amendment or the Rockefeller Amendment to the Constitution!!
The proposed amendment was sent to the states July 6, 1965, by the Eighty-ninth Congress. It was ratified on February 10, 1967.
Section 2
[Vacancy in office of Vice President.]
Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.
This Amendment shows the sinister, cunning Rockefeller total disregard for the will of the people.
The Amendment was not even mentioned in the press!!
The power of the Rockefeller controlled press is most evident in this case. Not one mention of the Amendment appeared in the New York Times until long after the Amendment was passed. The same is true for all the other brass check Rockefeller owned and controlled "newspapers" in the country. The Vietnam War was conveniently raging at that time, and EVEYBODY was distracted by all the bad news coming from that country.

Signing of the 25th Amendment.

The top secret 25th Amendment was signed on February 23, 1967.

Page 1 of the 25th Amendment
now in the National Archives.
President Lyndon Baines Johnson officiates in a White House ceremony witnessing the ratification of the Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution on February 23, 1967. Standing left to right: Congressman William McCulloch; Senator Birch Bayh; Senate President pro tempore Carl Hoyden; Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey; Congressman Emanuel Celler; Speaker of the House John McCormack. Seated: Lawson Knott, General Services Administrator, and President Johnson.
Rockefeller used the 25th Amendment to appoint himself Vice President!!
To the great surprise of the nation, President Johnson decided not to run for President in 1968. The Vietnam War was raging at that time and Johnson's popularity was at an all time low.
His withdrawal opened the door to Republican Richard Nixon-the same party as Nelson Rockefeller.

The Vietnam War caused Johnson to withdraw from the Presidential race and this opened the door to Republican Richard Nixon.

Nixon refused to nominate Rocky as his Vice President and nominated Greek-American Spiro Agnew instead. He probably knew that having Rockefeller as Vice President was sighing his own death warrant.
The Vice President was forced to resign in 1974 on trumped up charges brought by the Rockefeller controlled IRS.
The forced resignation of Spiro Agnew left a vacancy for the office of Vice President. This was the opportunity Rockefeller was waiting for. The Vice Presidency was only a heartbeat from the Presidency and his appointment was up to President Nixon. Nixon double-crossed him and appointed Gerald Ford instead. This decision cost President Nixon his Presidency.
President Gerald Ford—the MIRACLE President!!
President Ford was a miracle President because every time he went out of the White House someone was shooting at him, but by the grace of Almighty God, he survived every attempt at assassination.

Ford was President from August 9, 1974, to Jan. 20, 1977.

Rockefeller was sworn in as Vice President on December 19, 1974. He was now only a heartbeat away from his lifelong ambition to be king of the United States.

Nelson Rockefeller was sworn in as Vice President on Dec. 19, 1974.

The swine flu scare was another attempt to kill President Ford.

Rockefeller in the White House Oval Office with President Ford and Henry Kissinger.
Rockefeller was indeed only one heartbeat away from the Presidency when he served as Vice President under President Ford.
President Ford had a TARGET on his back after making Rockefeller Vice President!!
To the shock of his family and the nation, two women (undercover Rockefeller controlled CIA agents) attempted to kill President Ford in separate incidents in September of 1975. On September 5, as Ford greeted well-wishers outside the Senator Hotel in Sacramento, California, Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, aged twenty-six, a follower of mass-murderer Charles Manson, leveled a Colt 45 at Ford and squeezed the trigger at point blank range. The gun misfired and Fromme was wrestled to the ground before she could fire a second shot.
Two weeks later in San Francisco, on September 22, Sara Jane Moore, aged forty-five, a one-time FBI informer, fired a .38 revolver at Ford. The shot missed Ford by a few feet because a bystander had spoiled her aim. Both women were convicted under the 1965 law making attempted assassination of the President a federal offense punishable by life imprisonment.

Every time Ford stepped out of the White House somebody was shooting at him.

Our Great JEHOVAH overruled these 2 wicked attempts to murder the President, so Nelson Rockefeller launched his last deadly attack. This was the swine flu scare of 1976.

The swine flu scare was another attempt to kill President Ford.

Assault on the President of the United States with a DEADLY weapon courtesy of the Rockefeller Medical Inquisition. He was given the POISONED needle in front of a nationwide TV audience on Oct 11, 1976.
Rockefeller was "praying" that Ford would die or become incapacitated, and then he would be KING at last. Thank God that He overruled this deadly plot by Rome and Rockefeller against the people and the Constitution:
Mere coincidence can be damaging. This occurred in the ill-fated swine flu vaccination campaign mounted in 1976 to protect Americans against what was believed to be an extremely dangerous strain of influenza. Three elderly people, all heart patients, dropped dead on one day (Oct. 11) after getting shots at a Pittsburgh clinic. Experts concluded the vaccine was not responsible, but it took President Gerald Ford and his family getting swine flu shots on national TV to restore confidence in the program -- and even then only for a while. (Washington Post, Saturday, December 14, 2002; p. A01)

Editor's Notes
President Johnson B. Johnson sent to Congress Jan. 28, 1965, a special message requesting that Congress amend the Constitution (a) to provide for the execution of the President's duties during Presidential disability and for the filling of a vacancy in the Office of Vice President and (b) to reform the electoral system.
All but 3 states —Georgia, North Dakota, and South Carolina— passed the 25th Amendment.
Arkansas Alaska Arizona, Alabama California Colorado
Connecticut Delaware Florida Hawaii Indiana Idaho
Iowa Illinois Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Minnesota
Maryland Mississippi Missouri Maine Massachusetts Michigan
Montana New Hampshire New Mexico New York New Jersey Nebraska
Nevada North Carolina Oklahoma Oregon Ohio Pennsylvania
Rhode Island South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont
Virginia Wyoming Washington West Virginia Wisconsin
Ratification was completed on February 10, 1967.
The ONLY Rockefeller to reach the White House was Bill Clinton—the son of Winthrop Rockefeller.
Thank God that the ONLY Rockefeller to reach the White House so far was William Jefferson Clinton—the son of Winthrop Rockefeller!!
Imagine the financial clout that it takes to have a Constitutional Amendment passed. It requires total control of the Senate, the House of Representatives, and most all of the 50 states. During the Senate hearing for the appointment of Nelson in 1974, various attempts were make to estimate the Rockefeller billions. None even came close. One figure that was mentioned was 70 billion dollars. Newsweek (Rockefeller owned) says that the fortune was "beyond calculation."

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